Mixed Breed (Dachs + Shiba) |
ミックス(ダックス・柴) |
9 years old, girl |
Border Collie |
ボーダーコリー |
10 months old, boy |
Mixed Breed |
ミックス |
3 years old, girl |
Standard Poodle |
スタンダードプードル |
10 months old, boy |
Miniature Pinscher |
ミニチュア・ピンシャー |
2 years old, boy |
Labrador Retriever |
ラブラドルレトリーバー |
6 years old, boy |
Today is the first day of what's referred to as Golden Week holidays. The dog yard saw a crowd turnout of 6, in terms of dog population, this morning.
The weather was beautiful. It's another perfect day for taking pictures of dogs out in the dog yard. And of course it's another perfect day for the dogs to be playing outdoors here in the dog yard.
Lili was looking as pretty as ever. What's amazing is that she knows how to pose for photo shoots.
Ponta mustered up courage to venture out on his own for the first time. Maybe it has something to do with the chemistry of who's there in the dog yard.
Colon is a 9-year old girl of sturdy build thanks undoubtedly to her Dachs/Shiba lineage. She was content to substitute a glove for a ball, which is not allowed in the dog yard.
Yanbo is recuperating from a recent operation. He looks healthy and is admirably active, though. Yanbo must be a very strong dog.
Photographed with Pentax K-m (Digital SLR Camera :10.20 Megapixels )
DA L 18-55mmF3.5-5.6AL, DA 55-300mm F4-5.8ED |