葉山町ドッグヤード |
昨日は雨、今日は晴れ、そして明日の月曜日はドッグヤード定休日 |
2009年4月26日 |
Labrador Retriever |
ラブラドルレトリーバー |
10 years old, boy |
Long-haired Weimaraner |
ロングヘアード・ワイマラナー |
2 years old, boy |
Scottish Terrier |
スコティッシュ・テリア |
2 years old, boy |
Border Collie |
ボーダーコリー |
10 months old, boy |
Standard Poodle |
スタンダードプードル |
10 months old, boy |
Saluki |
サルーキ |
10 months old, boy |
Jack Russell Terrier |
ジャックラッセルテリア |
1 year 7 months old, girl |
It was a windy morning. The ground was a bit mushy from yesterday's rain. Some new faces turned up and of course Angel and Ronnie, the regulars, were there as well.
Being chivalrous, Ice would try to protect Yoshiko from the presumptuous boys who at any moment might make a pass at her or come on too strong. He wouldn't mind putting up a brave fight to perform acts of chivalry according to his Mama. For fear of his turnig excessively aggressive on this account, Ice was put in the smaller play area all by himself. It's a shame that sometimes it doesn't pay to be a gentleman.
All the photos taken today were shot with the ISO set at 800. Maybe I should push it up to ISO 1600 to freeze the actions or maybe I should lower it to intentionally blur the motions of the dogs. I'll experiment with various exposure times in terms of ISO, shutter speed, and aperture stop. It's bound to be a fun project.
Photographed with Pentax K-m (Digital SLR Camera :10.20 Megapixels )
DA L 18-55mmF3.5-5.6AL, DA 55-300mm F4-5.8ED |