HAYAMA-K9  【葉山町ドッグヤード非公式ウェブサイト】 Site Map(サイトマップ)
The Unofficial Website of the Hayama Dog Yard 葉山のドッグランで撮影した犬達の写真
葉山町ドッグヤード 見習ってもらいたい人格者の小太郎君と気の合う仲間のロニー 2009年4月8日
Jaime(ハイミー) Kotaro(小太郎)
Nacho(ナチョ) Ronnie(ロニー)


Jaime (Border Collie : 10 months old, male) , Kotaro (Labrador Retriever : 2 years old, male), Nacho (Standard Poodle : 10 months old, male) , Ronnie (Saluki : 10 months old, male).

Kotaro loves people, dogs, cats, and even crows. The word "aggression" is not in his dictionary. Nor is he competitive. He is a gentle soul and even Jaime, who is normally very wary of new playmates, intuitively knew that Kotaro was to be trusted.

Ronnie, Jaime, and Nacho are as compatible as ever. They had a good time of it this morning just as they did yesterday.

Photographed with Canon DS6041 (EOS Kiss : 6.3 Megapixels : Digital SLR Camera)
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